Dr. Fallon Daniels

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.” - Martin Luther King Jr

Dr. Fallon Daniels, the founder and owner of Breaking Ground LLC, is a beacon of educational leadership. With a career spanning over two decades, as a leader across several leadership positions in both K-12 and non-profit sectors, she has an unwavering commitment to the success of professionals and the students they serve. 

Dr. Daniels began her professional journey as a science teacher in New Haven, Connecticut, and later, she served as a school and district administrator in Connecticut's largest urban districts. Through her leadership and established partnerships with family, community, and educators, she has spearheaded systemic changes across districts and schools. These changes include investment in professional learning for staff, implementing inclusive curricula, fostering a culture of respect and understanding, and enhancing support systems to ensure that students graduate from high school postsecondary-ready. 

Her expertise in strategic planning, professional development, coaching, and writing is unparalleled. Dr. Daniels's journey has also taken her to higher education as an adjunct professor, where she continues to share her knowledge at national education conferences and through her numerous publications. She is a fearless leader and advocate of DEIB efforts in K-12 education. Her experiences drive her passion to invest in current and future leaders while supporting districts.


  • Bachelor of Science in Biology
  • Master of Science in Science Education
  • Sixth-Year Certificate in Educational Leadership
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Women and Gender Studies
  • Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


  • Autoethnography as Pedagogy: Teaching Research Methods through Students’ Stories. New England Educational Research Organization, 2023.
  • Leadership for Equity: Reflections from the Field. Sacred Heart University Anti-Racist Solutions: Navigating the Journey Together Symposium, 2023.
  • Black Women and Popular Culture I. Southern Connecticut State University Graduate Student Research & Creative Activity Conference, 2022.


  • No One Hears Me Enough to Act Differently: A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experience of Black Women School Leaders in Connecticut’s K-12 Public Schools. Southern Connecticut State University, 2022.
  • Hands-on career program gives Hartford students a path to health care jobs.The Hartford Courant, 2022.
  • Government watchdog report finds racial disparities in school discipline practices. CNN, 2018.
  • New Haven adult education opportunities expand to three satellite locations for better access. New Haven Register, 2017.
  • Data Teams Success Stories Volume 1. Leadership and Learning Center, 2010.
  • Human Population’s Response to Re-emerging and Emerging Infectious Disease.Yale New Haven – Teachers Institute, 2009.